Saturday, 10 August 2013

One, two, three...YES God!

A leap of faith. I'd thought about it often. I'd think...oh the day when I'll be ready to do WHATEVER God asks me to do is going to be a GREAT day!! I'd get excited at the thought. I desired to be in that place...the place where fear, doubt and selfishness would take the backseat to my newfound boldness, my once burried but now blossoming confidence.
Oh me oh my.
"My child"...I felt God impress upon my heart, "I'm so glad you are desiring this, but you're going to have to do more then just desire it. You're going to have to just do it"
"But God...I don't feel at all ready for that. You know that I still need sooooo much work before I get to that point!"
I thought to myself- If God asks me to be kind to my husband when we're in the middle of an argument am I really going to be able to do that??? If someone is rude with me will I be able to respond with love? If I'm afraid of the unknown, will I be able to say yes to God anyway when He asks me to do something? And dare I say...when I don't get what I want, will I be able to keep a thankful heart full of praise and gratitude anyway?
DEEP BREATH...then my converstation with God went a little something like this:
Me: I really, really want to be obedient to you God. I really do want to be obedient even when I don't feel like it. I really do want to do your will. I just feel STUCK"
God: silence....
Me: God where are you? I feel stuck and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do next...
God: Obey my commands.
Me: I want to but I don't always feel that I can do it when the time comes...
God: You do your part, I'll do my child, You have to step out in faith. I can only come in if you open the door. When you take the first step and do what you think you can't do, I'll come in once you say YES to me and I'll do the rest.
Me: Ok. I know that you'd never ask me to do anything that would harm here it goes....

Trust me...I am still a HUGE work in progress, but I've started to say YES to God even when I don't 'feel' like it! Even when nothing makes sense, EVEN...get this...when I don't get my way! *gasp* That deserves an AMEN! haha!
Now, In all seriousness I've been extremely blessed since I've started doing the hard to do things that God has been wanting me to do.
Since I've started saying Yes to God, even though I didn't 'feel' ready, He's blessed me with peace, joy, friendships, revelation....I'm in awe of what He's doing in my life. To think I didn't want to step out for fear of what He's ask me to I'm more afraid of what I'll miss if I don't do what He asks me to do!

Psalm 119:57 Lord, you are mine! I promise to obey your words!

My friends, if you are feeling the nudge to start obeying Him in areas that you have not been, don't wait any longer! Take the step of faith- or LEAP of faith and do your part...He'll do His and You'll be blessed for your obedience.

Lord, here I am...a heart surrendered...listening intently to Your voice. I'm not perfect..I don't always make the right moves, but I'm desiring to walk in your obedience and each and every day I'm stepping out more and more in faith...the more I fall in love with You , the more I'm in tune with Your voice..and the more I long to make you smile. I raise my hands and say 'YES' to you Lord. Yes, yes, yes!!! All the glory goes to you Lord.


  1. What a blessing to read this Tara! Praise God for your obedience and your transparency to others <3 God bless you sister as you seek His face and His Will...and yes sister, I do believe He smiles tonight <3 Dianna <3

  2. Look at you go Tara!! Loved reading your conversation with God and it almost felt just like one I had with Him too. Awesome post!! Love ya girl!!
